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:: FAQ's ::


What is an e-Book?

The term e-Book stands for electronic book. It is basically a book that can be read on your PC or palm device.


What do I need to read an e-Book?

Most e-Books are in PDF format. For books of this type you will need adobe acrobat reader. You will probably already have this on your PC. If not you can download it free from www.adobe.com

Most other e-Books are exe (executable) files. These need no software to run on your PC.

They can also be in the form of a word file or HTML file.


Will I require any additional software?

Your e-Books will be delivered in zipped up (compressed) format.

You will need WinZip to extract the file. Again you will probably have this already on your PC. If not download it free from www.winzip.com

Do I need broadband to download these eBooks?
No! All eBooks will be no larger than 15MB unless stated otherwise. Most files are between 1 and 5MB in size. If you would prefer items can be sent on a CD for an extra £2.00


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